Research Insights
Research Outputs
- Research proposal development
- Evidence based design briefs
- Evaluation frameworks
- Logic model development
- Planning guides for evaluation
- Photodocumentation
- Research reports
- Experimental design
- Quasi experimental design
- Complex mixed methods design
- Naturalistic and participant observation
- Moving Interviews
- Semi structured interviews and focus groups
- Ethnography
Custom Outputs
Using data from past projects we can generate case studies on select spaces and design features such as:
- Main Entrances
- Outdoor Spaces
- Private Rooms
- Amenity Spaces
- Social Spaces
- Connection to Community
- Wayfinding
- Top Performing Spaces
- Common Problems to Avoid
Measurement Approach
- Construct measurement
- Indirect measurement
- Survey development
- Statistical analysis
Knowledge Translation
- Stakeholder engagement workshops
- Stakeholder presentations
- Workshops, training and courses
- Conference presentations
- Peer review publications
Design Research
- Mock up and simulation studies
- Pre and post occupancy evaluation
- User experience
- Design case studies

Do it yourself resources to assist you with the preparation and execution of major design research and evaluation initiatives.
Methologica Field Guides are available for various contexts including healthcare environments, hospitality, urban design and public realm, and other built environments (eg. performance venues, consumer environments, residential/real estate development, etc).
Check back later as our Field Guide previews will be posted soon. Let us know if you are looking for something specific or to be customized to your design project needs!

Notes From the Field
Notes From the Field
Interacting with design. Directly and indirectly the environment that we are in has the ability to shape our behavior, facilitate interactions and alter our spirits. Whether we are at work, at home or on an outing, we are continuously interacting with the design of the built environment. This section is an archive of special reports and observations of what we’ve captured from the field.

Workshop & Certificate Series
Certificate Program: Design Research & Evaluation
Methologica is offering the premiere post professional certificate program for the advanced study of Design Research & Evaluation in the Built Environment. In intimate-scale cohorts, participants can build their knowledge and skills in design research & evaluation to be applied to architecture and built environment design projects.
The certificate program is comprised of a series of workshops to develop core competencies in Design Research & Evaluation in the Built Environment.
Specializations will be offered in various streams: Healthcare Environments, Urban Design and Public Realm, Education Environments, Workplace Environments, Hospitality, Performing Arts & Culture and other settings for those who have successfully completed the initial track.
In addition to individual registration, the workshop series and certification can also be offered as a packaged set in a small group format for architecture and design firms and other clients/organizations. Given Celeste’s background in research, course development and teaching in both the academic and applied realms, the course curriculum, workshop series and certificate program was created as a bespoke Methologica offering. We are exploring opportunities to offer the certificate program and/or specialized courses with our academic and architecture partners.